JM International invites young classically trained musicians from around the world, between the ages of 18-30, to submit their candidature and ideas to the enCORE Accelerando 2023. The enCORE Accelerando is a global youth-music
Moltopera school performances at Budapest’s 9th district – 2017-2018
It was the third time since 2015, that with the help of the local government, we were able to take our “Animalishly cool music” and “Could be loved” programs to the 9th district’s schools in
A European Music Council által koordinált, kilenc európai partnerszervezettel együttműködésben megvalósított kétéves projekt keretében a JM Hungary feladata többek között egy olyan adatbázis létrehozása, melyben a lehető legtöbb zeneoktatóknak szánt, illetve a kreatív iparban felhasználható
Sziget Festival
The Sziget Festival is Hungary’s biggest festival, to which tens of thousands of young people come from all over Europe to have fun, to get entertained and mostly, enjoy freedom. What makes this festival special